Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mini Interview and Contest: Children's Illustrator Mikela Prevost

work by Mikela Prevost
Need some fresh drawings and a peek into the creative mind? Amazingly talented children's illustrator, Juana interviews fellow children's illustrator,the fab Mikela Prevost, about her work for A November of Mini-Interviews and Giveaways.

Here are four quick reasons to go read the blog post:

  1. The giveaway. Don't even pretend you didn't notice the word in the paragraph above. Who doesn't love a giveaway? And original art? Beautiful, whimsical original art, even.
  2. Juana. Her work is so beautiful that just gazing at her work will make the world seem prettier, brighter, friendlier. (And I'm not saying that just because I'm a soccer freak and she has a soccer illustration. Viva fútbol!)
  3. MikelaMikela Prevost's drawings are bright, interesting, and story-filled. They make me stare and them and think about the people within them.
  4. My recommendation. Friends steer each other towards beautiful new books, music, art, movies, recipes, etc. Imagine my having tea with you and saying, "Oh, friend, you must look at these lovely pieces of art!"
Do swing by and say hello ...

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I promise I will go take a look! :)

I nominated you for the "I Blog Jesus" award.

Creative Commons License ... and please do NOT offer my works as downloads from your site.