
Friday, August 5, 2011

Paper Dali Podcast: The Saint Clare Story for Children

As a companion to the Saint Clare of Assisi paper doll/coloring page that I posted, I cobbled together a quick podcast about this wonderful saint. Children can learn about her in just a little more than 5 minutes.

Just click on the play arrow beneath the window below. (If the player doesn't work for you, try this link!)
Enjoy the listen!

Edited to add: I put the podcast in and will share it here: (The other format was not working well. Eep.) You can also feel free to click here to listen to it!


  1. Hello Vee,
    I am having trouble with the podcast - it won't play.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you for the lovely paper doll.

  2. Trish,

    Hmmm. I wonder if it's your browser? I tried it, and it's working fine for me ... but that doesn't help you, does it? ;-)

    I've the podcasts uploaded on a different site, so maybe you click on the link there and have it work ... Here's that link:
    Let me know if that helps!

  3. I was able to play the podcast at the goo link, but not the one in the post. Thanks for doing a podcast; my oldest daughter enjoyed listening and learning about St.Clare. Both girls are happily coloring now. And, congratulations on your new gig at Catholic Mom.

  4. Elisa,

    Glad you were able to hear it!

    I changed the podcast server, so maybe it'll work better now!

    Back to good ol' for me.


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