
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Paper Dali Podcast (ep. 2): Making Time to Be Creative

It's not easy to find time to be creative when you're juggling the different vocations of wife, mom, educator, worker bee, etc., but it is possible. In this Paper Dali podcast, I offer my seven tips (in just 9 minutes) for finding time to be write creatively amid the demands of daily life. And the tips work well even if you're not a writer, but have another creative calling ...

p.s. A rougher version of this podcast aired last year, but that was the experimental, meh version.

1 comment:

  1. Vee,
    Thanks for these tips! I'm working on scheduling time and moving forward every day, which are the hardest for me. I'm planning to post an update on my blog about my efforts in these areas some time next month, and I'll link here if you don't mind. In the meantime, I'm posting this link in the comments of my current post in response to a particular reader inquiry.


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