
Friday, September 3, 2010

A Shared Moment

In yesterday's mail, we received a catalog from Behold Publications/Ecce Homo Press. And here's what I saw in it:

 That's my activity book as the second picture on the page. The quote to the right of my book says:

"Ann Ball's favorite saint was Blessed Miguel Pro, so she wrote the children's book Jose Finds the King: A Blessed Miguel Pro Story. She hoped her grandchildren would come to know and love Miguel as much as she did by reading it. I know it helped me to love him more! My hope is the same for the children who enjoy the activities in this book. May the humor, prayerfulness, and bravery of Blessed Miguel reach them and guide them in drawing closer to the Lord." - Veronica Maria Jarski, author of Celebrating Blessed Miguel Pro
It gladdened my heart to see this in the catalog. Now, as a professional writer and editor, I see my work published often, but this activity book was so deeply personal and heart-focused that I can't compare how it pleases me to anything else I've done. It's more than just all the hard work poured into it---everything I do has that much dedication. But it's as if I had a chance to be with my best friend for months, and the book is like a scrapbook of our time together.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

We'll chat more about this near October 15 (its official release day).


  1. Hard work pays off in so many ways! Congrats, Vee!

  2. Thank you. It was a happy moment. My kids got a tremendous kick out of it. The felt banner on the cover is one of the projects I created for the book ... and the banner hangs in my home office. They think it's cool to see it on the cover of something! :D

  3. I am so happy for you Vee!! This is so exciting!!

  4. Congratulations Vee!! Praise God for your dedications and hard work!

  5. Congratulations Vee!! That is so so exciting! I love your work and can't wait to check out your new book!


  6. We are honored to be listed as "friends of Paper Dali Miguel". We most surely are friends!!! I can't wait for your book! I plan to put in a pre-order soon. :)

  7. Thank you for leaving a comment on my baby steps blog. It is not often that I have a famous author stop by my blog. ;) I was actually correcting my links right as you commented. Hopefully, I got it all right.


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