
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Learning About the Saints

Paper Dali got a little mention in Susan Brooks-Young's article at OCP about Saints Online. Give it a read and find other places online for learning about saints with your children. Then come back here for more coloring pages about saints. Just visit the tags in the right sidebar for the list of fun.

And for visitors from OCP, enjoy some milk and cookies as a welcoming treat. (Yes, regular visitors and friends can have some, too. ♥ )

Edited to add: I would have also included Patron Saints Index (the original and best online source for saints), Faith-filled Days, Family in Feast and Feria,  and the other sites mentioned in my Resources tab (right under the blog header). If you have recommendations, be sure to let me know by leaving a comment.


  1. Oh, congrats are in order. The honor is well-deserved. I was surprised she didn't list Patron Saints Index which is the original and best online source for saints.

  2. Jennifer: Thank you! And I had a little list of my own additions that I would have liked to email her ... but the post did not have a place for comments or interaction. Yoiks.


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