
Monday, June 20, 2011

Pentecost Party

This past Friday, the Catholic moms group that I belong to had a Pentecost party. Who says that parties need to be only for major holidays? The birthday of the Church seems to merit one.

We had delicious Holy Spirit cupcakes inspired by this post and two activities. The first was a lovely game of "Pin the Holy Spirit Flame on the Blessed Mother." All right. The name is a bit long, but it was fun for all the children.

Here's one of the games that a boy designed for the other kids to play.

Then, he had bright-orange flames, each had a child's name on it. The kids lined up to take turns pinning the flame above her. Yes, they were blind-folded, spun, and everything. (The gal in the photo isn't me, but the lovely Angela. If you've time, you must visit her beautiful blog.)

Here's a look at the flames. Someone apparently wanted everyone to win! And don't forget prizes for the winners, by the way. Angela supplied all with bright flaming-red lollipops.

We also did a craft, inspired by this Holy Spirit paper-plate craft at Faith and Family Connections. Be sure to take plenty of crayons, markers, glue, plain white paper plates (not the shiny ones!), and scissors.

 And let the children make the craft their own. We had lovely versions of the Holy Spirit craft:
Because I was the crafts table lady, I also did one. I'm all for grabbing any opportunity to use crayons and glue.

Also, we had a barbecue (fire = Holy Spirit ... see the theme there?) and just a lot of yummy treats and fun.

Happy Pentecost!


  1. what a lovely crafty party!! I love the idea of using paper plates to make a holy spirit craft. is the ddove template a creation of yours? it's beautiful. would you share it??? :)

  2. Gardenia:

    Hello there, friend. Thanks! We had a lovely time indeed. And, nope, the dove template isn't mind. You can find it here:


  3. You know what, in my Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training, I learned that Pentecost is one of the three great feasts of the Church year, and it is so great that there used to be a Pentecost octave, so you are not at all off base on that. Beautiful work!

  4. What a wonderful party!

    I just had to stop by and say "hi!". A priest, who is also a fan of Blessed Miguel Pro, was visiting today, and when I pulled some of our Father Pro materials off the shelves, the lovely note and the tri-fold of Father Pro you sent fell out. I had completely forgot that they were there- it brought a big smile to my day!

    BTW- I am hoping to set up a "Blessed Miguel Pro table" at our church All Saints party this year. I plan to use lots of ideas from your book.

  5. I tagged you on my blog for the "Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award".


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