Saturday, April 10, 2010

Inspiring, Catchy & All-Around Fab Music

Andrew Everson has just launched into the online world ... so now folks can hear samples (and purchase) his latest album, "I'll Follow." (You can also buy his equally wonderful "Psalms & Canticles.") These inspiring songs are a mix of styles and themes, but what unites them is the strong Catholic message.

Andrew (a liturgical composer, musician, and choral director) was recently featured with other talented musicians at Catholic Music Express.

Stop by, take a listen of music samples, and support good Catholic music.

p.s. I did not receive any money or CDs for this post. But I'm a fan of his work. In addition to being a talented musician, Andrew is the father of four in a homeschooling family and our family's friend.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easily Embroidered Spring Cards / Tarjetas Bordadas

I enjoy sending cards to my girlfriends, but the ones at the store rarely say what I want to say: "Hey, you, I'm glad we're buds, and I spent some time thinking about you and praying for a joy-filled life for you and your loved ones. Blessings to you. And chocolate. And buttery popcorn. And a hug." But no card says that.

So, I end up just making a card and hoping that the time invested says all that. :)

Making an embroidered card is shockingly simple ... however, due to the paper-y aspect, it does take time and patience and a light touch.

1. Cut out a bit of paper the size of a notecard. (Note: Really, make sure it fits into an envelope. This sounds obvious, but it's not. Ask me how I know this is important. Hee.)
2. Draw a picture of what you would like to embroider on the card.
3. Use a sewing needle and thread to just sew along your penciled lines. (Note: Don't use an embroidery needle. It makes the holes too big and you end up tearing the card to bits. Ask me how I know this is important, too.)
4. Be very patient.

A good variation is to lightly go over the penciled mark with a pin, making little pinpricks into it, so when you "sew" the picture, you already have a little opening in it.
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