
Monday, October 18, 2010

All Saints Day Decoration via Familia Catolica

Thanks for your prayers for my wisdom-teeth extraction. The surgery itself was pain-free ... though the surgeon was surprised by my teeth. "What long roots you have! I've never seen such roots! And with hooks at the bottom that hooked onto the nerves! Those teeth did NOT want to come out. Wow!"

Wow, indeed. While I'm convalescing inside painkiller bottles, here's a darling, colorful and all-around fantastic post from Xhonane of Familia Catolica. I always love the creative stuff that she does in general, but it's an extra dose of happiness for me when my paper dolls are used.

Check out her blog post now!
(Xhonane, excuse my laziness in not writing this post in Spanish. I'm barely forming words in English right now!)


  1. Thank you for the link Vee! ; )
    I have to tell you that my girls really liked this activity, they want to keep them there all year long! How about that!!

  2. Xhonane: Thank you for sharing it! And I'm so glad to hear your girls liked it. : )

  3. This is such a great picture of all of your dolls! Love it! I love everything you and Xhonane do!


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