
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pro-Life Novena: Activity Sheet

On this feast day of the archangels,  St. Michael the Archangel Organization's Novena for the Protection of the Unborn begins.

To help children participate in this novena, I drew up a little activity for tracking days of the novena. (I drew it for myself, too. I tend to lose track of days.)  Here's a glimpse at the completed project at the end of nine days: 

What You Need:
To use this pro-life worksheet, you'll need to print out:

  • Color the picture of Mary and put it in an accessible place (such as a prayer corner).
  • Pray a rosary for the protection of unborn children. (Here's a refresher for praying the rosary, just in case!)
  • Color a picture of a baby then cut and paste the baby in Mary's arms.
  • Do the same for the eight remaining days, and you've just prayed a novena.
Add the Archangels, too!
And because this is the feast day of the archangels, you may want to download and color a picture of St. Michael the archangel, too. Print three out, color them differently, and you've got Gabriel, Michael and Raphael!

Shalom! ♥
Veronica Maria (aka Vee)


  1. Dear Vee,
    Wow what a great project to do with the children
    Thanks for sharing with us
    I just had to share it on facebook too
    God Bless

  2. Dear Gae,
    Aw, thanks, my dear! Hope it comes in handy.

  3. beautiful. what a neat idea. thanks.

  4. Dear Vee,

    You are so kind to share your talents with us. This is my favorite project to date :) May God bless you for your generosity.

  5. wonderful creation. thanks for sharing.

  6. This is great! This will dovetail nicely with our study of the holy rosary and respect life month in October. Thanks so much.

  7. What a beautiful way to teach our children about the unborn! Many, many thanks!!!

  8. What a great project!!! Beautiful!!

    Thank you so much!

  9. This is just perfect for our kids and their 40 Days for Life participation! THanks so much for this lovely picture, it's great to get the kids so involved in prayer via a art! Thank you!

  10. I love the idea of a novena coloring page. Good thinking!

  11. Thanks for your kind words, everyone.



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