
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Loving Note for Mary / Notita de Amor para la Virgen Maria

In honor of today being the Assumption of Mary, I am sharing this from the archives.

To help my little guy keep track of the rosary prayers, I put together this little envelope o' loving. The idea is for Sebastian to see how prayers are sent forth. The big red heart is for the Our Father, and the 10 little hearts are the Hail Mary prayers.

This craft is very simple to make.

red felt
white felt
brown felt
black thread & needle
scraps of pretty fabric if you'd like

1. Cut out two squares of white felt.
2. Cut out 10 small red hearts.
3. Cut out five big hearts.
4. Cut out a tiny red heart.
5. Cut out a small brown square.
6. For the envelope: Stitch a giant V shape from end to end (see picture) to make it look envelope-y. Then stitch the brown square to the center of that. Then stitch the red heart to that. Put the two white squares together and sew up the sides except the top, so the child can place the hearts in the envelope.
7. For the red hearts, I made them doubled up, meaning two red hearts sewn together. I did this for durability. And also, I had that pretty scrap of fabric that seemed perfect for such a craft.

And that's it! As each prayer is said, the little one puts the small (or large) heart ♥ into the envelope. I hope our rosary-praying time will be a little quieter now or, at least, little hands will keep busy with this activity.


  1. Dear Vee,
    You are so clever.
    I love it.
    Have you seen the crochet roses used for this as well?

  2. Lacy, Thank ya kindly.

    Gae, I did see them somewhere ... but I'm SO very limited in my crocheting skills. (blush, blush)

  3. This is a fabulous craft! I sent copies of it home with my Kinder CEP today. We also colored and cut out some of your Mary dolls. Thank you!!

  4. Dawn, Thank you! And how neat that you shared it. : ) Peace & blessings to you!

  5. Thank you for the link to St Perpetua's party!
    Your craft is just so beautiful! I would love to do it with my children! Thanks and more thanks!!

  6. Vee, we just made ours! We loved your idea!! thanks again!


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