
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today's Feast Day: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

This paper doll now appears in the Saints Coloring Book, Vol. 2. You can find out the details at the Paper Dali Etsy shop.

November 17 is the feast day of a favorite saint, Elizabeth of Hungary. She speaks to me because, unlike many saints, she actually was in love with her husband and strove to be a loving wife and mother. She was known for her kindness and charity in her kingdom. You can read more about her here.

Visit here for details.


  1. Thank you, Anne! (blush blush) I'm quite happy with this one. I think St. Liz here has become one of my favorite Paper Dalis. :)

  2. Thank you so much for making these incredible paper dolls. I am particularly excited about St. Elizabeth here. She is one of my favorite saints as well and is my 6 year old daughter's patron saint. She will be thrilled when she sees this! THANK YOU!!!

  3. Sarah,
    She's one of my favorites, too. She was so wonderful and such a loving wife and mom, truly an inspiration.

    And thanks for your compliment. It made me happy to hear it! Bless you and your family!


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